Wealth and lucky bowl for your fortune
Large Size:6 inchWx 5 inch H 銅製聚寶盆上有五路財神,蝙蝠,如意,祥雲及錦魚圖騰,蓋子上有滿滿的元寶,象徵財富年年有餘、取之不盡。擺放在客廳或財位上,增補財庫旺氣,讓您財源生生不息,迅速地累積財富。 On the copper cornucopia are totems of Five Gods of Wealth, Bat, Ruyi, Xiangyun and Jinyu, and the lid is full of ingots, which symbolizes that wealth is inexhaustible year after year. Place it in the living room or financial position to replenish the vigor of the treasury, allowing you to continue to grow wealth and accumulate wealth quickly.