Where is the symbol of Feng Shui disease in 2021? The sick talisman star of 2012 flew to the north, so the sick talisman of 2021 was in the "north". In house feng shui, the door is the first priority, and the "door" feng shui is the most important one. The next step is to look at the feng shui of the "room" and the "stove".
If the door of the home is opened in the "north position", that is, it is opened within the "sickness position" of 2021. This year, family members will often suffer from illnesses, and children will be prone to fever and illness. Elderly people should be especially careful if they fall. The problem can be serious, because in many cases, after the elderly fell injured, their physical condition immediately suffered serious problems, and they even passed away shortly afterwards.
If you are a person who exercises frequently, your body is relatively healthy and less ill, but you must be careful of injuries caused by exercise.
Remedy: You can place some Feng Shui supplies near the front door,If you want to have a better effect, you can place or hang [Six Empire Coins] on both sides of the door.
If the room is in the disease position, you can place feng shui supplies and furnishings—[Six Empire Coins] in the four corners of the room. If there are too many sundries in the room, place [Six Empire Coins]on both sides of the bed. As for the stove, if the fruit stove is at the 2021 disease sign, that is, the north position, it is best to place it near the stove.
Best wish to everyone!